Gain a competitive edge as you explore how sustainability can be a driving force for organizational success, and how Corporate Social Responsibility CSR helps organizations be socially accountable. This program goes beyond being a practice; it’s a commitment to being contributors to society, including economic, social, and environmental aspects. Discover the opportunities that sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) present to organizations, including innovation, continuous improvement, sustained competitive advantage, and long-term success.
Tailored for supervisors, managers, and leaders, this practical course explores global best practices in effective sustainable leadership, including:
Enroll now to uncover the fine details of sustainability and corporate responsibility with our Corporate Social Responsibility Certificate Program.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Leading and Managing for a Sustainable Future
Stakeholder Analysis and Management
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
The Sustainability Journey
Best Practices – Learning from Others