Embark on a transformative journey with this comprehensive course that guides you from crafting a targeted Learning and Development (L&D) strategy to its practical implementation, fostering a robust learning culture and landscape within your organization.
Throughout this course, participants will master the art of identifying key learning needs, analyzing skills gaps, and leveraging learning analytics to optimize the impact of interventions, ensuring optimal utilization of the L&D budget.
Designed for modern HR learning and development specialists and managers, this course equips you with a comprehensive skill set. Learn advanced techniques to collaborate effectively with internal stakeholders, uncovering their growth needs through the latest assessment methods. Master the art of planning and executing personnel education programs, whether collaborating with external trainers or creating bespoke growth initiatives in-house. Discover the best methods for evaluating professional learning outcomes, empowering you to justify the course with a robust ROI assessment.
Key Features:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Strategic role of the training and development department the company
Training Skills and Techniques
Learning and development styles
Training Policy
Training Need Assessment
Designing Training Plan
L&D Programs
Competency Based Training
New Employee Training
Management Development
Mentoring and Coaching
Evaluation of Training
Effective Training and Development
Train the Trainer
Training for Diversity